
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Chapter 2: Homestay Villages

In this second installment, we'll give you a brief introduction to what it was like to live in a village with a host family. As part of our training and integration, we spent two months living with a local family under their roof, eating their food, and basically hanging out with them for the times we weren't in school. We'd awake early to get to school by 8:00 am each day, Monday through Saturday, break for lunch at midday, then resume at 2:30 pm to study up until 4:30-5:00 pm each day. As for language, despite Mali being a predominantly French-speaking country (colonially), the dominant language is Bambara, so most of us volunteers have been learning that. 

Below are some photos from Cass's homestay situation. This first one is of a large rock, a landmark, that identified the village of Soundougouba Kora.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Chapter 1: Adventures in Bamako

We've started a bit late with getting this blog rolling so we're going to rewind. Here are some pictures and text of what we found in Bamako, at our training center Tubaniso, and at our various adventures in the big city. Slowly (dooni dooni), we will catch you all up!